晴”乗”雨読 - Sunny Rides, Rainy Reads



Kamiran, F., Calders, T. Data preprocessing techniques for classification without discrimination. Knowl Inf Systems, Volume 33, pages 1–33, (2012)

Data preprocessing techniques for classification without discrimination | Knowledge and Information Systems Massaging, Reweighing, Uniform/Preferencial Samplingの4つの、データからバイアスを除去する手法を最終的に提案。いずれも考え方は、予測…

Feldman et al., Certifying and Removing Disparate Impact, ACM SIGKDD 2015

Certifying and Removing Disparate Impact | Proceedings of the 21th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 訓練データのバイアスを緩和する機械学習手法の提案のひとつ。クラスラベルを修正するのではなくて、各…